Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Tessa Raven art.

This little lady is amazing. She's been rocking the colorful hair and her fantastic artist streak since I've known her- and I honestly think she was between the ages of 10 and 13..  just a wee little one. She's grown up so much since then and I'm so proud to call her a friend of mine. Tessa has always always known exactly who she is, and that's something I truly admire about her. Apart from her being completely amazing as a person, she's very much skilled as a visual artist here in OKC. Visit her website to read more about one of the youngest most talented, big hearted ladies of our city.. and brace yourself to be blown away by her mad skills.

Can anyone guess who the hunk in the blue is? :) I knew immediately.... my heart like a kick drum... literally. 

Visit Tessa's website and etsy for more of her fantastic art.

In other unrelated news: A very special store in OKC is having their 3rd birthday next month, and in honor there'll be a preeeettty fantastic little giveaway here on the blog. More info on that later- but make sure you're subscribed so you can enter when the time comes. Spread the word little birds. 

1 comment:

Heather said...

Yes, Tessa is very talented! I met her and her family a few years ago at Deluxe. She's got some great art! And of course I love a good bearded man, I have one of my own ;)

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